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2015-06-11 11:26      点击:
Pyle-National 连接器重型环境抵制插头和插座已成功应用在航空工业和所有类型的工业应用。

ZPLD plug with compression nut ZPLM plug with mechanical nut
ZPLD - Plug with compression nut ZPLM - Plug with mechanical nut
ZPLK plug with basket weave ZPLT plug with conduit adapter
ZPLK - Plug with basket weave ZPLT - Plug with conduit adapter
ZRLD in-line receptacle w/ compression nut ZRLM in-line receptacle w/ mechanical nut
ZRLD - Receptacle w/ compression nut ZRLM - Receptacle w/ mechanical nut
ZRLK in-line receptacle with basket weave ZRLT in-line receptacle with conduit adapter
ZRLK - Receptacle w/ basket weave ZRLT - Receptacle w/ conduit adapter
ZRLP panel mount receptacle ZPLP panel mount plug
ZRLP - Panel mount receptacle ZPLP - Panel mount plug
ZRLBB panel mount receptacle ZRLA panel mount receptacle
ZRLBB - Receptacle with angle adapter ZRLA - Receptacle with straight adapter